Frigyes Vanden Auweele, Sportsosteopath

sports Osteopath

Frigyes studied osteopathy in Antwerp (FICO) after getting his Master in physical therapy (KU Leuven). In Ghent (ILO) He specialized in the treatment and prevention of sports injuries. He was skilled in kinesiology, fascia therapy, bike fitting and obtained the degree of ' orthomolecular therapist ' according to CPNI.

Expertise: Sports osteopathy and coaching of athletes. Osteopathic screening for ' energy leaks ' and/or nutritional deficiencies. His work domain: Performance improvement, injury prevention and treatment of chronic sports injuries. His approach: manual, Osteopathic interventions and interventions to nutrition, supplementation and bio/training rhythm.

Experience: He accompanies athletes from various disciplines as an osteopath. He is the permanent supervisor of various ateleten: Jasper Stuyven (Pro cyclist), Denis Odoi (soccer-Fulham), Anak Verhoeven (pro climbing), Frans Claes (Ultra MTB Pro Cycliste), Siebe Vanhee (Big Wall Pro climber), Ben Broeders (Pole vault) and Sara Michielsens (Ultra MTB). Frigyes is also associated with the OHL football team, volleybal team VHL and cycling team TREK-SEGAFREDO

He also started a Pro Cycling Bikefit program with Joris Verreydt form Wolf Performance.

As a founder he coordinates the working of the group practice and supports his team of therapists through his specialist approach.

Person: Frigyes is a recreational athlete (climbing, tennis and cycling) and proud daddy of 2 children.

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Bert Mensaert

Osteopath, D.O.

Olivia Commeyne


Jelle Ceuleers

Master in Osteopathy


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